Anxiety is no blessing, rather, it is a curse (Deuteronomy 28:28). It does not come from God, but from the devil. Because anxiety has its roots in the spiritual, its remedy cannot be in drugs, exercises or diets. The one and alltime cure is in the Word of God.

It is wisdom to discover the right key that unlocks a door, rather than disregard the key and spend countless hours pounding on the door, thus expending more energy and getting no results.

The Word of God has the keys! It says: And I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven … (Matthew 16:19). Jesus has already given us the key; it is the Word of God. If you have the Word, you have the keys and the devil cannot lock you in any more!

Our perfect example, Jesus Christ, always knew what to do, even in situations that called for immediate responses. Instead of giving in to anxiety, He always gave in to the solution the WORD of God offered.No wonder, He always knew what to do.

Read John 5:30, 8:28 from your Bible

Jesus always knew the will of God because He was taught by God the Father. The Words that God spoke to Him were what He used to deal with situations around Him.

He was able to judge right in situations, circumstances and crises periods by the Words that were spoken to Him by the Father. Because of this, He was able to deal with everything that would have caused anxiety. Therefore, He could say, My judgment is just … (John 5:30).

The Bible is the Word Of God As Jesus said in John 8:31-32.

It can be paraphrased thus, “And ye shall know what to do when anxiety wants to strike and the knowledge of what to do, when applied, shall make you free from anxiety’s grip.”

The importance of the Word of God cannot be over-emphasized. It must always be employed, in order to have permanent victory over anxiety. If you must overcome anxiety in your life, you must study the Word of God. You must be a studious Christian. You must be ready to bend down and find out from the Word what God has said about that particular situation that is trying to bring in anxiety.

You must make relevant discoveries from God’s Word, because discovery is what leads to recovery. Until you discover what God’s Word has said about that particular situation, you can never overcome anxiety in that area. Word discoveries come from a studious life!

Read 2 Timothy 2:15 from your Bible

The Bible, which is the Word of God, must be your companion if you must overcome anxiety. There is no other solution to anxiety outside this!

As you set apart time to study the Word of God, revelation comes. Revelation gives you authority, power and dominion over anxiety! Every revelation you receive brings about a corresponding level of revelation in your life. You cannot afford to be lazy at studying the Bible. The Word is so important that the apostles said: But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of THE WORD in Acts chapter 6:4.

Like the early Christians, you must be ready to give yourself continually to the Word of God. Continuity is very important.

Since anxiety arises primarily as a result of what to eat, drink or wear, it is important to know the provisions that God has made in His Word and how to receive them.

Read Matthew 6:33 from your Bible

From this scripture, it is clear that your needs get met as you give the Kingdom of God first place in your life, not by hoarding your means.

It is important for you to know that God’s Word is not slow! For the word of God is QUICK, and powerful … (Hebrews 4:12). God’s Word is quick. It is powerful. It is sharp, sharper than any two – edged sword. It has the power to penetrate and deal with the root cause of anxiety within you, even deep down to your thoughts!

No matter the case, the Word of God will get to the root and deal with it outrightly. You must, therefore, seek to discover that Word and apply it, and your freedom shall be absolute.

When anxiety knocks on the door of your heart, speak the Word of God that is relevant to that situation. For instance, if anxiety comes knocking concerning what to eat, drink and wear, speak a scripture like Philippians 4:19.

If it is fear of tomorrow or anticipated evil, use a scripture like Job 11:18 Or Proverbs 24:19.

You must, therefore, let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom (Colossians 3:16).

The Word must dwell in you richly, not scantily.

For the Word of Christ to dwell richly in you, you must feed your spirit with it all the time. You must read the Word, meditate on and practise it. When the Word of Christ dwells richly in your heart, then out of the abundance of it in your heart, you will be able to overcome anxiety any time it knocks at the door, for … out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh (Matthew 12:34).

Whatsoever solution God’s Word offers will always be permanent. Word solutions are always permanent solutions (Ecclesiastes 3:14).

The Word is the foundational step for any other step required to overcome anxiety. You must know the Word of God and His provisions for your life and apply same. It is the basis of Christian triumph in all areas of life. Jesus knew what the Father had said, so He always knew what to do to overcome anxiety. The disciples knew what Jesus had said, so they were able to overcome anxiety.

If you also must be free from anxiety, the Word of Christ must dwell in you richly in all wisdom.


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