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Read Zechariah 3:1-3 from your Bible

From the above scripture, Joshua, who was a high priest at the time, was wearing a “filthy garment.” This could be a garment of affliction, evil identification, oppression, etc. When you pray seriously, you may see yourself wearing filthy garment. All you need to do is set it ablaze by fire of the Holy Ghost, and set yourself loose.

Pray like this:

Every garment of ancestral infirmity, diseases, sickness, untimely death, hardship, poverty, disfavour, shame and failure at the edge of miracles, passed down to my generation, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Many of us are clothed in filthy garments which symbolize unrighteousness. The reason satan is resisting us, like the high priest, is because of filthy garment. It is not because of the sin you committed but because of sin of past generations or what is called “legal grounds” – a curse or covenant that is not godly but has now become a pollutant before God.

How to deal with sins of past generations – filthy garment

Confess and ask God to forgive the sins of your ancestors, mention the sins if you know them and plead the BLOOD OF JESUS. There is a provision for sins that are past. That provision is in the blood of the Lamb. It takes faith in the blood of Jesus to enjoy the propitiation, the covering it gives, and discharge from sins that are past.

The sins that are past can be dealt with. That’s good news!

The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness. So it destroys the hold of past sins and guarantees a cleansing when there’s a pitfall.

Read Romans 3:23-25, 1 John 1:8-9, Hebrews 9:22 from your Bible.

Lift up your hands now and prophesy for a thorough purging of your life from everything that imposes “filthy garment” and set it ablaze by the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.

*Spend time to plead the blood of Jesus to deal with past sins of your ancestors for atleast one hour or until you receive a note of victory.

Take cover in the blood of Jesus!

Thank God for the victory.

I will be sharing with you three phases of deliverance prayers that will liberate you from ancestral bondage and yokes at the very end of the series of teaching on this topic.

