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Read 2 Timothy 2:3-5 from your Bible

Again, the above scripture confronts us with the reality of the life we are called to live. It describes Christians or believers as “soldiers.” As a child of God, you have been enlisted into God’s army. You are a soldier of Christ. You are in the army. You are not a civilian. Hence, you must have a “militant” spirit and avoid being entangled with the mundane things of this world. You must have your mind made up to fight and not to give up. You must not give up or be a weakling. You must be strong in faith and be ready to counter whatever satan (or life) throws at you.

The scripture calls you, “a child of God,” “a soldier.” And I am sure you know that there is no soldier who is not trained in the art of warfare or who does not understand the language of war. This means you have to be prepared to fight and defend your territorial integrity. It starts with your personal life, your family, and everything that affects your destiny. This includes your immediate environment and nation.

Our primary assignment is to defend God’s will on earth. By reason of our salvation, we are automatically called up and enlisted into God’s army. We don’t need to tender an application. And God expects us to win in the battles of life, because it is written concerning us: “we are more than conquerors” (Romans 8:37). Jesus has given us the victory. All we have to do is “enforce” the victory Jesus purchased for us at Calvary. It doesn’t matter the power(s) waging war against us; if we can stand by the Word of Truth, and resist the devil, he will flee from us (James 4:7).

The devil is resistible. The forces of darkness are also resistible. You can resist them in your life, family, finance, marriage, career, and every other area where they may wish to manifest their wickedness. How do you do this? By standing on the Word of God; claiming, demanding and holding unto what the Word says concerning that area satan is manifesting or wants to manifest his wickedness. As you remain standing on God’s Word, refusing to give up, satan and his cohorts will flee.

Verse five of Second Timothy chapter two introduces a caveat to this battle. It says that for us to gain mastery over the forces of darkness and maintain a life of victory, we must be willing to play by the rules of combat. “…. except he striveth lawfully.” You must engage spiritual laws. You must understand the language and principles of spiritual warfare, and apply same to be a winner.
Declare to yourself: “I am a winner! I am not a looser!”

You must fight or strive “lawfully,” i.e. according to the Word of God. You must engage spiritual laws, the principles of the kingdom and the laws guiding warfare if you are to win spiritual battles. If you ignore these, you may be injured or be open to fiery darts (arrows) and bullets which you may not be able to recover from.

Some laws guiding spiritual warfare

i. The law of fearlessness, boldness and confidence. Deut. 20:1-4, I Samuel 17:32, Prov. 28:1.
ii. The law of faith. I John 5:4, Ephesians 6:16.
iii. The law of purity and holiness. Joshua 7:12.
iv. The law of wisdom. Prov. 4:7, Eccl. 7:12.

Some persons have been injured beyond recovery. Hence, God has called them home because they cannot continue the battle.
May you not be injured in the battles of life in Jesus’ name. And may the Lord heal you from every injury you have sustained in Jesus’ name. The scripture says “He sent forth His Word and it healed them” (Psalm 107:20).

May you be healed: spirit, soul, and body in Jesus’ name.


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