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Read Ephesians 3:20 from your Bible

God responds to your thoughts as much as He does to your speech. That means your words and thoughts weigh the same in His sight. That is why you find many places in Scripture where Jesus responded to the thoughts of some people.

Read Matthew 9:3-4 from your Bible

Your mind is the battleground in every conflict of life; and until you win in the mind, you don’t win in the world. Many supposed prayer warriors die weary, because of their negative thoughts and imaginations. For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Prov. 23:7).

Imagination is a powerful silent prayer line to heaven. You can draw anything with your thoughts, just as you would with your words. You can’t carry a negative imagination and have successful intervention in prayer. When your imagination is negative, your supplication is frustrated, because nothing goes through.

Imagination is a very powerful force of prayer, particularly when it is Scripturally formed and motivated.

Read Proverbs 4:23 from your Bible

What goes on in your mind controls the issues of your life. You can provoke divine intervention with your imaginations. The woman with the issue of blood only said in her heart, “If I may but touch His garment, I shall be made whole.” She did and was made whole (Matt. 9:20-22). From within her heart she drew virtue without utterance.

You can use the force of imagination to get out of that destructive disease. Ask yourself, “Can any sickness hold Jesus down like this?” The answer is no! And Jesus is in you by His Spirit! You can win any battle by focussing your thoughts on your Scripturally based desires.

If you want to be a successful thinker, there is a need to separate yourself from the noise and row of activities, and create quietness around you.

It’s time to work on your imagination, so you can be free from all frustrations. Your imagination is a pace-setter for your destiny; it determines how far you go in life. That means you must put a bridle on your mind, so it doesn’t lead you to destruction.

Meditate on Scriptures. Programme your mind to think in line with the Word.

Read Philippians 4:8 from your Bible

Also read what Jesus said in Mark 11:23 from your Bible

So, the effect of what you say with your mouth is determined by what goes on in your heart. When you doubt in your heart, what you have said with your mouth is rendered ineffective. You can cry from now till eternity, if your imagination does not fall in line with what you are saying, it will not produce results.

Read what the Psalmist said in Psalm 19:14 from your Bible

God is committed to your thoughts as He is to your words, so be careful what you think! He will do whatever you think, negative or positive.

