When an individual is taken to the river by an Olokun (water spirit goddess) priest or priestess or any of those in the white garment sects, or any other priest and given a bath at specified hours of the day or night, and some items are thrown into the river in order to get a particular problem solved, this individual has willingly paid allegiance to the water goddess. The materials thrown into the river therefore become the point of contact through which the water spirit could then influence that person’s life
This practice is common among the white garment sects. The reason is that the goddess of the sea is the source of their power. Also, those who are usually asked by native/witch doctors, mallams, etc. to make “Sara” (special feasting for children) with specified items, or instructed to give alms to beggars in the street so that they could solve a particular problem, expose themselves to demonic influences.
If you have been indulging in these practices, turn a new leaf and save your soul by giving your life to Jesus as your Lord and Savior and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The Good News!
The good news is that JESUS has paid for your freedom already – you just need to appropriate your victory.
Read Colossians 1:13-14, 2:14-15 from your Bible.
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