I’m always amused when some preachers and christians claim that Satan has no power. They say that in their effort to downgrade and denigrate Satan, but the truth of the scripture is that Satan has power, great power!
“Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness? And hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son” (Col. 1:13).
“To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan onto God..” (Acts 26:18).
“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness”.
The whole world is under the power of the wicked one, except the children of God. Though the power of Satan is counterfeit, yet it is real and great. Even Martin Luther in his hymn, ‘A mighty fortress is our God’, acknowledge this truth.
Our Lord Jesus recognized Satan as the prince of this world. (John 12:31) Apostle Paul identified him as the god of this world. (II Cor. 4:4) The power that God gave to Satan was not taken away from him when he rebelled and was cast out from heaven to the earth. Since he deceived Adam in the Garden of Eden, he became the de-facto ruler of the world. Since then, he has been manifesting great power. He is the reason why many are not saved – he blindfolds and seals their heart.
He is the god, ruler of the systems, corruption and evil practices of the world. Satan’s goal is to keep lost people from being saved, through deceit and to make life miserable for people through sin, poverty, Sickness, diseases, injustice, oppression and numerous evils of our world. According to Ephesians 6:10-12, Satan arranges his numerous demons in categories:-
(a) Principalities – These are individual dermons attached to individuals and families. They bring bondage and death.
(b) Powers – This group includes captain of team spirits sent to destroy everything that is good and godly, including the church.
(c) Rulers of darkness – This group includes regional spirits that are responsible for calamities and depressing events in their regions.
(d) Strongmen – These dominate wickedness in high places and oversee the other levels of demonic activities.
The power of evil and ungodliness that Satan unleashes upon the world through the activities of these demons are very great. The strange and evil happenings, diseases and crisis being daily experienced in the world are clear evidences of the presence of Satan in the world. With all these evil happenings, yet Satan makes people believe that God is the architect of them all. He deceives people into believing that if God is good, then why does he allow too much suffering, evil and wickedness in the world. People who are thus deceived hate God and hold him responsible for the sufferings in the world.
In my next write up, I will discuss “Why Satan is Against The Church”
Jesus is Lord.