A pig 🐖 is a very dirty, destructive and extremely gluttonous animal. They eat anything, including faeces and their young ones.
They are noisy, fearful and sexually uncontrollable.
What does it mean in the spirit?
It represents the terrible spirit of destruction, and if they attack a person in the dream, it can result in insanity, because the person will lose the normal inhibitions.
If you see yourself eating with one in the dream, it portends you posses backsliding character and defeciencies in the spirit.
To be in their midst suggests uncleanness.
To dream of being attacked by one portends you are under the influence of drunkenness, gluttony, evil habit or greed.
Take these prayers:
- Stand on psalm 121 and ask for the help of God to deliver you from dreaming about pig 🐖.
- Every dream of seeing pig 🐖 by me, I reverse the effect, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every attack against me in the dream by pig 🐖, I reverse it, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every pig 🐖 in my dream, die by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- If you can spend quality time to pray intongues (if you have the gift), for atleast one hour daily, your dream life will be intact.
But first, invite Jesus into your life as your Lord and Savior, and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil – Ephesians 6:10-11.
Stand on Matthew 18:18 and do the prayer.
Be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is Lord.