“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal , but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” (2nd Cor. 10:4).

To win our cities for Christ would demand that we understand the strongholds of the enemy. The Scripture quoted above is very popular among Christians, but sadly we have not come to terms with the actual meaning of strongholds in relation to bringing our cities and communities to Christ. Breaking down every stronghold of the enemy is imperative for the evangelization of our cities, towns, communities and nation.

Strongholds are the bulwarks, barriers, fortresses and hindrances built by the devil against his prey to keep them in perpetual slavery. Stronghold is a fortified place that Satan builds to exalt himself against the knowledge and plans of God. He uses his evil devices to make such a captive of sin, sickness, poverty, backwardness, depression, bondage, defeat, sorrow and failure. Strongholds may be in the heart, mind, home, community, city and nation. Though Satan tries hard to conceal the fact that these strongholds exist but we must be aware that they exist and breaking them down is the key to winning our city and nation for Christ.

Subsequently I will be discussing types of strongholds.


Jesus is Lord.

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