TYPES OF STRONGHOLDS 1 - Personal Strongholds

TYPES OF STRONGHOLDS 1 – Personal Strongholds

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds”(2nd Cor. 10:4).

Personal strongholds are things that Satan has built to influence one’s personal life such as secret sin, wicked thoughts, impure feelings, attitudes and behavioural patterns. These may come in form of pride , arrogance, selfishness, stinginess, lack of integrity, unfaithfulness and rebellious attitudes. These are “holes in our armour” that give room to the enemy to attack and incapacitate us. To break down personal strongholds require genuine repentance and restitution. It requires humility and openness. Through humility, repentance and holy living plus a very strong and consistent prayer life, personal strongholds will be pulled down.


Jesus is Lord.

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