“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2nd Cor. 10:4).
Sectarian strongholds cause divisions among churches; such as pride of doctrine and beliefs, idolatry of denominations or particular belief systems that produce isolation from the rest of the body of Christ. Sectarian strongholds are often the most critical strongholds. Many churches and denominations are divided. Unity is rare among pastors and ministers. We suspect, castigate and work against one another. We must realize that the church is God power plant in the nation to destroy the works of the devil and therefore we must wake up to the most powerful weapon in the arsenal which is unity.
Unity is critical as we seek to take the promised land of our cities. Things that divide us are pride of doctrine, fear of rejection, idolatry of denomination or movement, fear of losing members, majoring in minor things and nonessentials. To achieve unity for city breakthrough, we must necessarily adopt the invaluable words of John Wesley: “on the essentials: Unity; on the nonessentials – Liberty; in everything Charity”.
Jesus is Lord.