Read Matthew 16:18 from your bible

The church cannot be built effectively, vibrantly, gloriously and militantly unless the determined opposition of the gates of hell is adequately taken cognizance of. Though we often quote this passage, many of us have not really taken time to understand the workings of the gates of hell against the church.

Failure in this regard is the major reason for apathy, coldness, fruitlessness, emptiness, slow growth, and in some cases, outright non-growth being experienced in many churches today. Where the church has grown and is growing, the gates of hell have been overcome. Argentina and Korea are good examples. This is the teaching of such respected men of God like David Yonngi Cho, C. Peter Wagner, Larry Lea and Timothy Warner.

In the Old Testament cities and towns, gates were very important to the security and protection of the town and cities. It is also the seat of elders where discussions, deliberations and decisions were taken regarding the affairs of the city or town (Deut. 16:18; Ruth 4:1-2; Pro. 31:32). Look at these:

  • It was the gate of Jericho that was locked that no one can go in and no one can go out.
  • Samson destroyed the Philistines by carrying away their gate.
  • Boaz married Ruth at the gate.
  • Absalom started rebellion against his father at the gate.
  • The virtuous woman’s husband is known in the gate.
  • Psalm 24 shows the enemies at the gate during the ascension of our Lord.

In the New Testament, the gate has come to symbolize satanic and demonic authority in a particular area. Paul and Barnabas were called gods and sacrifices were to be done to them at the gate (Acts 14:13). This underscores the importance of the gate to the people of those days.

Today, the gates of hell in any given community are demonic powers militating against the sound footing, health, growth and expansion of the church. The gate is the seat of power.

The gate is the battle ground. Whoever owns the gate Owns the city. The three point plan of the gates of hell in any community is to deceive, dominate and destroy. Gates of hell are the kingdom of darkness working against the growth and expansion of the kingdom of light in their particular area of jurisdiction.

Of particular interest is the church in the city of Pergamos. Jesus said the church was located where the “seat of Satan is”. Today it has been discovered that the seat of satan or gates of hell in any community could be located in: the swamp, rivers, shrine, road junction or intersection, markets, the palace of the kings; dedicated or occultic building, entrance gate to the City, some kinds of tree or residence of the high priest of the occult.

In my next write up, I will discuss “THE ELDERS AT THE GATE.”


Jesus is Lord

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