God commands that we put Him in remembrance:

Read Isaiah 43:26 from your Bible

The way to do this is through testimonies. Testimonies are weapons in the hands of the believer (Rev. 12:11). When you remind God of His acts in the lives of other people, He doesn’t deny Himself. And since He is not a respecter of persons, He is committed to do for you what He has done for others, if you put Him in remembrance. When you have a personal testimony of sanctity in your walk with God, you commit Him the more. It is like putting Him in a corner He cannot come out from. He cannot but answer you.

Hezekiah’s prayer is a very good example of this. Read Isaiah 38:1-5 from your Bible

Hezekiah would have died cheaply, were it not for his personal testimony. He had a testimony, so he didn’t argue with Isaiah, but rather faced the wall and cried out to God. “Lord, is death the reward for serving You with a perfect heart?” God is the Judge of the whole earth, and a righteous One at that. He must have gone through Hezekiah’s records and found that he was right, so He sent Isaiah back with an answer for Hezekiah.

With just a few seconds of effectual communication on the personal testimony line, Hezekiah secured heaven’s express intervention in his case. Your personal testimony will always deliver you in the day of trial.

When you have a personal testimony, it emboldens you and sets your soul aflame for effectual communication in prayers.

Why must you be a tither and the devil is destroying your life with trials? Why must you be an investor in the kingdom and remain a beggar in the world? If you are genuinely serving God, then tell Him! Get on the testimony line and God will have no choice but to respond.

Your personal testimonies before God are as strong as the Words of Scripture. You don’t have to be barren when you serve the Lord, because the Bible says:

Read Exodus 23:25-26 from your Bible

God is committed to blessing those who serve Him. So utilize your testimony line. Remind Him of how you have served Him with all your heart and watch out for the release of your heritage in God. If you are a tither and a kingdom investor, you are destined to flourish. The economy of your country and the value of the currency notwithstanding, God is committed to blessing you. If you are faithful enough to serve, God who abides faithful and cannot deny Himself will surely respond when you approach Him with your testimony.

It is a great thing to be able to say before the Lord, “Lord, You know how I walk before You with a true and perfect heart.” This is why you must maintain sanctity at all cost, so that it can give you a testimony in the day of trial. Your personal testimony of dedication and commitment to service in God’s kingdom will serve as a stronghold for you in the day of trouble.

Without a personal testimony before God, you don’t have a future of liberty; but with it you can always connect heaven and secure automatic triumph in prayer. The personal testimony prayer line is a miracle line, which is sure to deliver you, as long as you serve God, for He has not asked the seed of Jacob to seek Him in vain.

Read 1 Timothy 4:8 from your Bible.


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