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ACCESS TO GRACE 3 – A Life Of Prayer

Another requirement for you to access the grace of God is a life of prayer.

Until your heart is sufficiently strengthened, you cannot successfully use the weapons of warfare.

Read Ephesians 6:10-11 from your Bible

Appropriating the grace of God should make you bold and yet humble, knowing fully well that your eternal standing before God is not based only on what you do, but primarily on who you are.

Prayer is a vital key to accessing the grace of God.

“What is prayer?”, you may ask. Prayer is communicating with God.

Live a life of prayer: praying in your understanding as well as in the Spirit, praying from your heart and consistently tapping into the grace of God!

Read Hebrews 4:16 from your Bible

Personally, I often pray for a release of fresh grace for running the race of life, on a regular basis. You, too, can do the same.

Certainly, you will always find grace in time of need on the altar of prayer.


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