If the cord in your family is COVETOUSNESS, it will show up even if you are the head pastor of a church, unless you have dealt with it.

Many people are not able to enter into their breakthrough because of the ancestral cord. At the edge of breakthrough or miracle, that ancestral cord will manifest to stop them or make them go into error. Some people either resign or are sacked from their place of employment just when the company is about to do something that would favour them. Others may walk away from a relationship just before a decision is taken to move the relationship to next level.

May you be delivered from this spirit in Jesus’ name. May you not be under the yoke of negative syndromes in Jesus’ name.

After the fall of the wall of Jericho, Joshua, the leader of Israel at the time, placed a curse on the land.

Read Joshua 6:26 from your Bible

The curse of Joshua was still active even after five hundred years (five generations).

Read 1 Kings 16:34 from your Bible

That curse became an evil cord and passed all sorts of difficulties on the people who lived there at the time. It was Prophet Elisha that revoked the curse by the anointing of God upon him. This was how Jericho was healed.

If you read 2 Kings 17:31-33 from your Bible, in verse 31, two major gods were referred to that the people worshipped. In spite of the fact that they claimed to worship the Almighty God, they still had these gods at the side.

This is the practice of many Christians. When they have challenges, they are not patient enough to allow God intervene in their matter. They consult other medium – false prophets, Oracles, shrines, etc.

Gideon came from a background of idolatry and God instructed him to pull it down before he could move forward. The same applies to us today. That cord must be broken before any progress in life.

The cord in the family of Gehazi was leprosy – a disease of isolation and shame. For others it could be madness, poverty, barrenness, untimely death, indebtedness, etc. While the root of Gehazi’s misfortune was covetousness, many others can be traced to several roots. But whatever the root may be, it is important that you trace it, repent from it, renounce it, and then break loose from it. It must start from a discovery. Any trend that is persistent in your family, which is noticeable in almost every generation, is a sign of an ancestral evil cord.

NOTICE: The mere fact that you are born again will not automatically remove the cord. You must recognize it, and break it by renunciation. Just as salvation is not complete until there is confession (Romans 10:9, 10), deliverance must be preceded by verbal pronunciation.

Read Proverbs 11:9b from your Bible

May God grant us victory in Jesus’ name.


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