It takes knowledge to have victory in any conflict of life. The first thing you need to know in the war against the thief of your glorious destiny is that you must arise.

Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him(psalm 68:1).

If the enemies will not scatter until God arises, how then do you think they will scatter in your case without you arising? You can’t keep watching that unpleasant situation in your life go on; you must arise! No matter how great the revelations you have received from God, if you don’t build up a resistance against the enemy, you will never have a breakthrough!

God has spoken some things to you and you are sure of His leading and instructions, but the enemy is standing on the way, saying, “You won’t get in there.” You need to arise to the challenge, because if you do nothing, you will get nothing. If you fold your hands at the opposition, you will end up in stagnation and deprivation.

Right now, certain forces might seem to be resisting every move you make or everything might seem to be working against you, in spite of all your input. I’m glad to let you know that prayer is a major force for fighting all oppositions off your territory, and consequently triumphing in life.

A time came in Matthew 17, when the disciples of Jesus could not cast out an evil spirit even though they had been empowered to do so in chapter 10. Satan was blocking their access to results in ministry. They asked Jesus, “Why could not we cast him out?” He answered them in Matthew 17:20-21: read it from your Bible.

The three forces outlined for victory are faith, prayer and fasting; you will find that faith and fasting enhance effectual prayers.

Don’t sit there crying and waiting for someone to pity you; rise up and take advantage of this potent force of prayer and free yourself from the hold of the enemy. He is called “the wicked”, because he has no feelings of sympathy for you. He is out for you, so you must arise and invoke the forces of heaven to flush him out.


Jesus is Lord

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