Read Malachi 2:15-16 from your Bible

The scripture above is clear: God hates divorce. One of the areas of battles many people fight in their marriages is in the area of divorce or as scripture terms it “putting away.”

Many people usually came up with various preconceived issues or excuses so as to divorce their spouses. They even attempt to seek the endorsement of the church in this evil act. Some persons have their minds made up and try to draw church leaders or authorities to agree with their reasons. If they find a church unwilling to cooperate, they go looking for another until they find one that tilts towards their illconceived reason(s) and use them as leverage to leave their spouses.

The church must unite and stand against this ugly trend that is becoming so rampant in the body of Christ today. Irrespective of the hurt or excuse, “God hates divorce.”

Read 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 from your Bible

The truth is that there is no one who is without fault. So if what you need is a fault for which to leave your partner, you will find a million faults. Somebody once told me the case of a woman who was accused of infidelity and thus, sent packing from her husband’s house. Their children were sent to a relative to stay. The person who narrated the account to me was quoting customary and traditional beliefs and mixing it with the bible as reason for the divorce. I simply smiled, and asked him: “the woman in question, if she was preached to, and she repents, will God forgive her?” He said “yes.” If God can and will forgive her, who then has the right or authority to condemn her? What we ought to be interested in is “does she have a sense of remorse?” “Has the family spoken to her to bring her to a place of repentance so that she can acknowledge her mistakes?” If what the parties involved wanted was reconciliation, they would achieve it. However, that was not the case. She was sent to the village to go and confess. These same people claim to be christians but the people in the village were not. What testimony were they propagating? Also, what does the man intend to do? Remarry? What if the new wife becomes worse than the one he sent packing?

I heard another person’s story. A sad one. A man became displeased with his wife, and divorced her, but retained their children. After a while, he remarried. When he retired and got his pension, satan entered the heart of the new wife, who poisoned him and his children, and made away with his money.

Now which is better? Wouldn’t it have been better for him to stay with the first woman and keep his life? We don’t encourage anyone to be unfaithful as it is against the nature and word of God. But if peradventure, something happens, what are we to do? Forgive! We must fight, not with our human sense and emotions, but with the word of God. That is the only way to win.

Read Matthew 19:5-6 from your Bible

When Jesus was pressed to endorse divorce, this was His response. Hence, we must fight against this ugly trend, and not give it a foothold in the body of Christ. If someone slips, no matter how highly placed, it must not become the acceptable way of living. If God hates it, we must hate it. Other battles we may fight in marriage include:

  1. Battle for compatibility
  2. Battle against stubbornness

It may be from either of or both couple, and could lead to incessant fighting, quarreling, physical and verbal abuse, etc. We have to pray and use the word of God to correct ourselves so that peace will reign in the home. One of the reasons God gave for hating divorce is that He wishes to raise godly seeds through us. If the man and woman goes their separate ways, and the children are raised without the needed emotional and spiritual nurture that a stable home provides, how will godly children be raised? It takes two mature christians, a stable, peaceful and love-filled home to raise godly seeds that will shape the world positively. But when there is no one to train the children, the children will train themselves or the society will train them. And this may not augur well for the development of the nation. Many of the people we call “area boys” who rob, rape, or take up arms against the nation (insurgents) are children that were deprived of proper upbringing. For this reason and more, God hates divorce.

May God use these words to correct us, and empower us to fight and win marital battles in Jesus’ name.

Pray like this:

  1. My marriage will not break in Jesus’ name.
  2. No matter the challenge in my marriage, I will overcome in Jesus’ name.
  3. O Lord, help me to restore the joy of my marriage in Jesus name.


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