DEEP AND MYSTERIOUS DREAMS 6 - Dreaming of Doors closing just before you enter; Distribution of items finishing just before it is your turn, etc.

DEEP AND MYSTERIOUS DREAMS 6 – Dreaming of Doors closing just before you enter; Distribution of items finishing just before it is your turn, etc.

This represents the spirit of “almost there”. It is a curse of near success syndrome. Begin serious warfare praying against blockages at the edge of miracles.

Take these prayer points

Add fasting as you are led

  1. Stand on psalm 121 and ask for the help of God from this bondage.
  2. Every dream of near success syndrome I reverse it in the name of Jesus Christ.
  3. Every curse of near success syndrome operating in my life I break it in the name of Jesus Christ.
  4. You demon spirit of near success syndrome I cast you out of my life in Jesus name.
  5. In the name of Jesus Christ I reverse the curse of near success syndrome operating in my life.
  6. Every bondage and yoke of near success syndrome upon my life be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ.
  7. Every altar of near success syndrome raised against me be destroyed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
  8. Every power of near success syndrome behind the altar be destroyed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
  9. Every stronghold of near success syndrome over my life be destroyed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
  10. Every arrow of near success syndrome operating in my life be reversed in the name of Jesus Christ.
  11. Every spiritual road block mounted against me and my breakthroughs be dismantled in the name of Jesus Christ.
  12. Invisible barriers confronting my breakthroughs be destroyed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
  13. Satanic decrees hindering my progress and success be revoked by the blood of Jesus Christ.
  14. If you can spend quality time to pray intongues (if you have the gift), for atleast one hour daily, your dream life will be intact.

But first, invite Jesus into your life as your Lord and Savior and then receive the baptism of the Holy Spirite.

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God so you maybe able to stand against the wiles of the devil – Ephesians 6:10-11.


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath

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