A woman dragged her daughter to me asking me to conduct deliverance for her. The mother pleaded with me passionately saying “Please, help me. Look at my daughter, although she looks very young, yet she’s a witch. She places her legs on the walls when she sleeps. She sleeps in an unnatural way every night. Once she sleeps, you cannot wake her up until 3.00 am. in the night. She has used her power to destroy everything in the family. That’s why I brought her to you for a deliverance ministration.”

The girl looked up and smiled at me saying, “I know that you are a man of God, but I want to tell you that deliverance is not possible today.” I ignored what she was saying and told her to close her eyes for prayer. I went into prayer saying, “Oh Lord, reveal whatever is making this young girl to be so confident.”

The Lord told me that the young girl was hanging her power outside on top of a tree. That was what made her confident that nothing was going to happen. She knew that no minister would succeed in delivering her as long as her power was hanged on that tree. As soon as the Lord gave me that information, I knew that her case was, indeed, a very simple one. I commanded the power to come back into her from where it was hanged, then I went ahead to command fire to come upon her. Then, hell was loose as the demons in her reacted violently. She became free within a very short time.

The secret of the success of that deliverance can be traced to the fact that I knew where she was hiding her power. I’m sure you can learn a lesson from that incident. This shows that people can hide their powers in the heavenly realm, withdraw and utilize them at will. You could have a house-help who hangs her power in the heavenlies. She will bring it down and use it against you wherever she likes.

There are people in this country as well as in other countries in Africa and beyond who programme the names of their colleagues into evil materials either in the ceiling, on top of a tree or in any other place. They come out every morning to invoke wicked curses on their victims saying: “You shall remain suspended just as this object is suspended mid air.” Such people will continue to float throughout their lives on earth.

In my next write up, I will discuss how to challenge these powers.

At the very end of the series of teaching on this topic I will give prayer points.

However, take this two prayer points:

1 . Every dark power hidden in the heavenlies against me, I pull you down, in the name of Jesus Christ – Matthew 18:18 for 5 minutes.

2 . Any evil power floating or hanging against me, I bring you down, in the name of Jesus Christ – Matthew 18:18 for 5 minutes.

But, first, give your life to Jesus as your Lord and Savior and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath

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