Pray Against Eating In The Dream

DREAM AND WITCHCRAFT MANIPULATION 2 – Prayer Against Eating in the Dream

How To Pray Against Eating Food In The Dream And Stop It.



MICAH 5:12, MATTHEW 15:13,

  1. Every witchcraft curse that makes me eat in the dream break in the name of Jesus – Galatians 3:13
  2. Every witchcraft demon associated with the curse I cast you out of my life in Jesus name – Mark 16:17
  3. In the name of Jesus I reverse the witchcraft curse that makes me eat in the dream – Galatians 3:13
  4. Every witchcraft bondage and yoke upon my life that makes me eat in the dream be destroyed in the name of Jesus – Isaiah 10:27.
  5. Every witchcraft altar raised against me that makes me eat in the dream be destroyed by fire in Jesus name – Deut. 7:5
  6. Every witchcraft power behind the altar I terminate your assignment and I cast you out of my life in Jesus name – Mark 16:17
  7. Every witchcraft stronghold in my life that makes me eat in the dream be destroyed by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus – Revelation 12:11
  8. Every witchcraft operations and manipulation that make me eat in the dream be destroyed by fire in Jesus name – Micah 5:12.
  9. Every witchcraft agent that feed me in the dream die by fire in Jesus name – Matt. 18:18
  10. Every witchcraft power that feed me in the dream be paralyzed in the name of Jesus – Luke 10:19.
  11. Every witchcraft food in my body be uprooted and be evacuated out of my body in Jesus name – Matt. 15:13.
  12. Every witchcraft food fashion against me be destroyed by fire in Jesus name – Isaiah 54:17
  13. Every witchcraft caterer cooking for me in the dream be destroyed by fire in Jesus name – Matt. 18:18
  14. You strongman of witchcraft in charge of my case I paralyse you in the name of Jesus – Luke 11:21-22
  15. Every witchcraft deposit and plantation in my body be uprooted and be evacuated out of my body in the name of Jesus – Matt.15:13.
  16. Every witchcraft mark of identification place on me be erased by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus – Col. 2:14.

Don’t spend less than 5 minutes on each prayer point at any prayer session and you have to pray atleast 3 times a day minimum.

But first, give your life to JESUS as your Lord and Savior and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

Also, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, so you maybe able to stand against the wiles of the devil – Ephesians 6:10-11

To be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might is to be strong in the word of God and be filled with the Holy Spirit always by speaking in tongues constantly in prayer. To put on the whole armour of God is to wear the various aspects of the armour which symbolize spiritual truth.

This is done by constantly declaring and walking in the awareness and truth of Scriptures.

The wiles of the devil symbolize satanic arrows – e.g. food eating in the dream.

Stay on this prayer as long as it takes until victory is achieved and you no longer eat in the dream.

Enter the battle and liberate yourself – prayer is the battle.

Receive grace in Jesus name.


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