DREAM AND WITCHCRAFT MANIPULATION 5 - Dreams of seeing yourself falling down

DREAM AND WITCHCRAFT MANIPULATION 5 – Dreams of seeing yourself falling down

Dreaming of seeing yourself falling from a high point of a tree or building into a deep ditch or ground or endlessly.

This is a plan to bring you back to a life of dependency. This is the arrow of setback and demotion in action.

How do you handle this witchcraft manipulation?

  • First, give your life to JESUS as your Lord and Savior and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit ( Romans 10:9-10, Acts 1:8).
  • Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might (Ephesians 6:10). To be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might is to be strong in the word (Colossians 3:16) and be filled constantly with the Holy Spirit praying always in tongues.
  • Put on the whole armour of God so you maybe able to stand against the wiles of witchcraft manipulations (Ephesians 6:11). To put on the whole armour of God is to wear the various aspects of the armour not some but the complete armour which symbolize spiritual truth. This is done by constantly declaring and walking in the awareness and truth of scriptures concerning witchcraft manipulation.
  • Engage in regular fasting in order to build your power base and you will have dominion over witchcraft forces and their manipulations (Isaiah 58:6 – 14).
  • Raise prayer altar against them by praying against them and their manipulations (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
  • Engage the help of the Holy Spirit in prayer by praying in tongues if you have the gift (Romans 8:26).
  • Plead the blood of Jesus for elongated time against witchcraft manipulation (Revelation 12:11).
  • Ensure you are not living in sin that will give them a foothold especially sexual immorality (1 Peter 1:16).


  • Every witchcraft curse of setback and demotion operating in my life that is associated with the dream of seeing myself falling from a great height I break it in the name of Jesus – Col. 2:14 for 5 minutes.
  • You spirit of setback and demotion associated with the curse I cast you out of my life in Jesus name – Mark 16:17 for 5 minutes.
  • In the name of Jesus I reverse the witchcraft curse of setback and demotion operating in my life that is associated with the dream of seeing myself falling from a great height – Col. 2:14 for 5 minutes.
  • Every witchcraft bondage and yoke of setback and demotion upon my life that is associated with the dream of seeing myself falling from a great height be destroyed in the name of Jesus – Isaiah 10:27 for 5 minutes.
  • Every witchcraft altar of setback and demotion raised against me that is associated with the dream of seeing myself falling from a great height be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus – Deut. 7:5 for 5 minutes.
  • Every witchcraft power behind the altar I terminate your assignment and I cast you out of my life in Jesus name – Mark 16:17 for 5 minutes.
  • Every witchcraft stronghold of setback and demotion operating in my life that is associated with the dream of seeing myself falling from a great height be destroyed by the blood of Jesus – Revelation 12:11 for 5 minutes
  • Every witchcraft arrow of setback and demotion operating in my life that is associated with the dream of seeing myself falling from a great height I reverse it in the name of Jesus – Matt. 18:18 for 5 minutes.
  • You witchcraft strongman in charge of my situation be arrested in the name of Jesus – Luke 10:19
  • Every witchcraft agenda for me I reverse it in the name of Jesus – Job 5:12 for 5 minutes
  • I plead the blood of Jesus: blood of Jesus, blood of Jesus, blood of Jesus, paralyse every witchcraft operations and manipulation against me in the name of Jesus – Revelation 12:11 for 5 minutes
  • Pray in tongues for 5 minutes if you have the gift of tongues – Romans 8:26
  • Always allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.


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