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Another form of soul-tie is that of the family. Here, the soul-tie is natural, and is usually formed between parents and their children, right from the womb. However, this soul-tie between a lady and her father or mother, breaks as she enters the marriage covenant with her partner. The “I do” and “I will” vows on the wedding day break existing soul-ties and covenants, except the demonic ones, where proper deliverance is required.

Family soul-ties cause a lot of misunderstanding between mothers-inlaw and their daughters-inlaw. Where the soul-tie between a man and his mother or a girl and her father is not broken, trouble will come into the new home.


In the mighty name of Jesus, I break the soul-tie with my relative (s) through association. You powers that have been manipulating my life against my will, I bind you, and I command you to loose your hold and go in Jesus’ name!

In my next write-up, I will discuss, Soul-Tie Between The Dead And The Living.


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