I want to charge you that from now, whenever you approach the Lord’s Table, don’t take it for granted. Approach the Lord’s Table with all sense of seriousness, dignity, and faith, and as you do that, your portion will be delivered to you.

You should never take the Communion nonchalantly, because it is not just bread and drink what you are partaking of are the Flesh and the Blood of Jesus. The Communion is a transfusion, so there is an exchange. As you take the cup, see the Blood of Jesus being transmitted into you and flushing out everything that may not be of God in your life.

God’s servant, Bishop David Oyedepo said sometime ago, that the anointing destroys the yoke but the blood destroys the ‘yoker.’ In other words, the anointing destroys the yoke but the Blood of Jesus destroys both the ‘yoker and the yoke. So, each time You partake of the Lord’s Table, every yoke that may be in your life plus the ‘yoker’ that has put it there, shall be completely destroyed.

Always remember: each time you partake of the Communion, it is not a ceremony, but a live transmission because when you partake of the Lord’s Table, you are eating His actual Flesh and drinking His actual Blood.

In addition, you are meant to partake of the Communion often, so you can have something to show. Every time you partake of the Lord’s Table, there is a reinvigoration. The early Church in Acts 2 took the Lord’s Table in the temple and in houses; no wonder they excelled.

The great man of God Smith Wigglesworth, we are told, took the Communion daily. At the age of 87 when he slept, no form of sickness whatsoever was found in his body. The same way, when your time on earth is over at a very ripe age having been satisfied with long life, no sickness will be traceable to your body.

Finally, each time you approach the Communion Table, make sure you do it in faith. Romans 14:23 says: Whatsoever is not done in faith is sin. Faith is a, requirement. Faith is not optional; it is obligatory as you partake of the Lord’s Table,

You don’t approach it as a common thing, because something positively uncommon will happen to you.

Bishop Oyedepo says, “It happens to you according to the level of your faith, not according to the volume of what you eat at the Lord’s Table.” It is according to the level of your faith, not according to the volume of the drink you take or according to the volume of the flesh that you grab. A very tiny piece with faith will deliver to you marvellously.

Welcome to a life of triumph by the Communion!


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.

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