It is very sad to discover that many people are toying with their destiny. If you decide to give a golden coin to a person riding a canoe, and the person begins to toss the coin up and down, there is no doubt that he is planning to lose it.

This is what the Almighty is impressing in my spirit to tell you. You must be very meticulous with your life. You have to be serious with your God and your spiritual life. Be meticulous with your Bible reading and prayer, don’t take anything for granted. Never take God for granted at all. Make sure you pray on your car, radio, clothes and what have you. You cannot afford to mortgage your destiny on the altar of money, sex, and pleasure. How can an eagle marry a chicken? No, it is not possible. Those who are joking with God would suffer in these last days.

Suffering is coming for the people who would not escape all their dubious and unrighteous activities. Telling a small lie would deny a person a big breakthrough, that is why the Lord asked me to seriously warn people.

These last days do not condone telling lies, committing fraud with biro, and all sorts of unrighteous acts. These are very strange days and more dangerous than any other history of mankind. It is strange because you can see ordinary typhoid fever and malaria killing people like houseflies. It seems that sicknesses have been able to outwit the attack of drugs on them and are becoming resistant to it. Mosquitoes no longer die easily, they defy modern insecticides and pest killers.

Somebody came with an organism into a laboratory a while ago. Ten antibiotics were applied to this organism, and yet it did not die. Supposing this kind of organism gets inside a person, and you place the victim on ampicillin, gentamycin, tetracycline, and penicillin, it would have no effect, and such victim would die because the organism has mastered all the means of curing it.

The implication is that the kind of thing that can kill such organisms can also kill human beings. The situation is serious to the extent that scientists hide in the forests to study the kind of leaves sick animals eat to get well so that they, too, can carry out research work on them.

How can a man who claims to have the divine call of God upon his life be having his bath with a single and unmarried woman? This act is tantamount to taking God for granted. All the roaming about in the night, stealing of God’s money, drinking of alcohol in secret, the lust of the eyes and the flesh would no longer be tolerated by God in these last days, neither would God tolerate the argument against the Holy Spirit. That is why you must confess every mix-up and mistake you might have made to God. Subdue all those excesses of life you have gone into, and settle what you need to settle with God. You cannot expect the Lord to bless you when you claim to be wise after your own heart. The reason why God will punish people after death is because they fail to fulfill their divine destiny.

Whatever God has designed for you to do, you must accomplish, if you die before you finish such an assignment, it is trouble. It does not matter the tribute they pay to you by your grave. They may say, “This man was the greatest lawyer that ever lived, … the greatest engineer …, the greatest banker …, the greatest preacher …, the greatest prophet …” It does not matter what people say. But if you do not finish up your divine destiny and death comes, you will surely be in trouble.

In my next write-up, I will be discussing “The 12 Gamblers Of Destiny”.


IG, X, Threads: PstNath

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