Some people are in bondage today because of an oath they swore in the past to authenticate their truthfulness in a particular matter. It could be in a marriage situation or in business partnership. Whatever the reason might be, one must let his yes be yes as the Bible has counseled in Matthew 5:34-37. God understands better than us, so He asks that you do not swear. He knows the devil could manipulate your utterances against you.
Some people even go to the extent of drinking their own blood, just to ensure that they secure the faithfulness of their partner, either in marriage or in a business relationship. But all the devil is interested in are the wordings used in such oaths. Since oaths carry a negative end in case of a breach, he uses these negative words as legal grounds to afflict his victims.
For example, A sister was a girlfriend to a young man who had promised to marry her. He had taken her to an AMORC Master who had given them certain objects to swear with. They had sworn never to leave each other forever. As the oath-taking progressed, the objects caught fire and were completely burnt.
Years later, She became a believer and the relationship was also terminated. She was doing very well as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ until she got engaged to another young man, who was also a believer in Christ. Then strange things began to happen to her. In a dream, a particular man appeared to her, and told her he will make her a laughing stock in a university campus where she was then studying. The reason? She had violated their marriage covenant.
Two weeks later, there was a rumour on her university campus that she was pregnant. She almost ran out of school. The relationship with the new young man she was engaged to became gravely affected. That same semester, she failed almost all her courses. She had to carry over four courses as a result of her emotional trauma. This was strange, as she had never failed a course before. She could not understand what was happening to her, but the Lord intervened. Praise His Holy name!
At the end of our discussion, the Holy Spirit revealed that the problem was the oath she had taken with a man few years back. She confirmed it, even though she could not understand how an oath she had sworn to as a non-believer could affect her now that she was in Christ.
The deliverance ministration proved her wrong. The Holy Spirit was right. She vomited a yellowish substance for about one hour during prayers, and that marked the end of her frustration and subsequent failures.
The Good News!
The good news is that JESUS has paid for your freedom already – all you need is to appropriate your victory by faith.
Read Colossians 1:13-14, 2:14-15 from your Bible.
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