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Let me introduce you to another way of gaining access to God’s secrets. In Daniel 2, a problem arose and in fury, the king wanted to destroy all the wise men in Babylon. But Daniel stepped in.

Read Daniel 2:15-19 from your Bible

Daniel and his three other colleagues went to God in a prayer of enquiry. Likewise, for God’s secrets to be delivered to you, you need to go to God in prayer. You say to Him, “Lord, what is it? Before You all things lay bare, where am I missing it? What must I do for a change of position? What must I do to experience a transformation? Lord, what is it that is yet missing in my life? What would You have me to do Lord?”

“Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel.” God has not changed. He said, “I am the Lord, I change not.” Look at this other prayer of enquiry in 2 Samuel 5:17-25: read it from your Bible.

David was able to conquer the Philistines by his access to divine secrets contacted through the prayer of enquiry. Friend, one secret from heaven is worth much more than a lifetime of efforts and struggles. This was David’s secret winning ticket; it was the reason why he never sustained injuries nor defeat all his days as a warrior. You will no longer suffer injuries in your life!

“Shall I go up Lord?” The Lord said, “Go.” At another time, he asked, “Shall I go up?” and the Lord said, “Thou shall not go up, but fetch a compass behind them.”

We are too full of petitions, that’s why we don’t have access into His secrets. We keep asking God to do things for us, but never ask Him what we must do.

We have our parts to play and God His. David made the prayer of enquiry, God showed him the secrets and David put the secrets to work. Man’s part is two thirds in the whole deal. After God tells you what to do, it is your duty to do it and He would be committed to confirm it.

In prayer of enquiry you say to God, “Lord, why is this home not working? Why is this family not prospering? Why is this ministry not growing? Why is this business crawling? Lord, what would You have me to do? What is missing in my life? What must I do to come out of this situation? Help me Lord.” You stand before the Lord, expecting to receive an answer from heaven; you sing in the spirit.

Probably, there’s a wrong language you use in speaking to your wife and that is the reason for all the troubles you have at home. As you stand before the Lord in prayers, He would then say to you, “But why must you speak like that? Do you remember the way Moses spoke and how he lost his place in Canaan? Beware.’ With this revelation from heaven, the grace for a change is imparted upon you at the same time. When you do as He has directed, success in your family life is the result!

We have asked God to do enough; it’s time to ask Him, “What will You have me to do?” He has not failed in His part once. But when you don’t even know your part, when will you do it? In the school of success, God reveals the secret, man puts them to work and God confirms His Word by bringing the success.

So, as you begin to pray prayers of enquiry, mighty secrets on what to do to make your home another garden of Eden, to make your business flourish and grow like the cedar tree, to make the work of your hand flourish like a palm tree and your spiritual life colourful, will be delivered to your hands.

