You need a baptism of that inner force of courage to deal with sickness, failure and embarrassment of life. Paul said: Read Ephesians 3:16 from your Bible

Courage is infused by the spirit of God. If you are baptized in the Holy Ghost, you are no longer expected to be lily-livered, but lion-hearted.

In Acts 1:8, Jesus promised the apostles a baptism of power.

This baptism came in chapter 2, and we saw boldness and courage come upon them. A strange courage came upon Peter (who had earlier denied his master thrice, even before a maid), that he stood up boldly to declare the gospel and three thousand people gave their lives to Christ in one day!

From that day on the apostles, who previously hid themselves in the upper room, for fear of the authorities, went about boldly declaring the gospel. They were able to openly confront the authorities to their faces.

Paul telling us to put on the whole armour of God, with which we would be able to stand against the wiles of the devil hinged it on verse 10: Read Ephesians 6:10 from your Bible

That is courage! It takes courage to stand against the wiles of the devil. No matter how many Scriptures you know, it is that inner strength that determines their effect.

In the battle against Goliath, David was strong in the Lord, whereas other members of Israel’s army merely put on the armour without the required strength in the inner man. So that when Goliath was slandering them, they had no force inside them to move against him; but David ran with that force and brought down Goliath’s head.

Knowing all the secrets for success without the required courage to make it work is like being dressed in the armour of war without the force to fight. You want to succeed in life? Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might! You need that force, in order to take delivery of good success.

Read Hebrews 10:35 from your Bible

Confidence or courage is a carrier of great rewards.

The Holy Spirit is the one that infuses that courage in you, that keeps your heart from wavering, enabling you to reach God smoothly.

Courage — your access to outstanding success! Hebrews 11 is a catalogue of the heroes of faith, men and women who became successful through their courage and confidence in God.

Even though it did not rain for a long time, Noah still went on courageously to build the ark as God had instructed him. He despised all the mockeries that came his way as a result, and at the end, he laughed last, as only him and his family were saved.

Men of courage are men of good reports. Without this inner force of courage, your place on the earth is doubtful. You must get to a point where you know there is no turning back, then will things begin to turn in your favour. It was only when Queen Esther said, “if I perish, I perish”, that success became hers. Reuben lacked this inner strength, and he failed.

Read Genesis 49:3-4 from your Bible

Everything to make him a resounding success was in him, but he lacked the heart with which to make a mark on the earth.

Boldness infused by the Holy Spirit is the trigger for success. Consider the Apostles here: Read Acts 14:3 from your Bible

The stronger you are on the inside, the more sign you command on the outside. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost without measure, so His success on earth is still speaking till now. May this force be infused into you right now, in Jesus’ name!


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