Praying In The Holy Ghost

“But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost” (Jude 20)

Praying In the Holy Ghost is praying in tongues. It builds you up on your faith for holiness.

So your faith for a life of purity is enhanced by praying in the Holy Ghost.

Everytime you explode in tongues against the works of the flesh, you are confirming the judgment of the Holy Spirit against the devil (John 16:11)

Romans 8:13 says:

“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.”

You can put to death the works of those controls, by engaging the Spirit against every trace of such controls you notice in your life.

Everytime you are praying in the Spirit against the motions of the flesh – anger, lust, covetousness, depression – you are commanding the judgment of the Spirit against the forces that are controlling your life remotely from the spirit realm.

Don’t let that thing stay on! Pray in the Holy Ghost!

That motion in your flesh can be consumed! That lying, that crave for adultery, drugs, beating your wife, and yelling at your children can be consumed! All you need is, engage the Spirit. As you pray in tongues, you will devastate the works of the flesh.

Read Romans 8:27 from your Bible.

So it takes a lot of praying in the Spirit to break the spirit of bondage that brings many into captivity.

Read 1 Corinthians 14:2 from your Bible

When you pray in the Holy Ghost, your communication is outside the devil’s understanding. He can’t connect, so he can’t attack, because he doesn’t know what you’re talking about.

What happens is that, as you’re praying or speaking in tongues, the fire of the Holy Ghost begins to work inside your body, to burn off all the chaff, and purify you from every filthiness. This is one of the ways to purify yourself as 1 John 3:3 says.

Praying In the Holy Ghost will help you to mortify the deeds of the flesh anytime.

Now, celebrate your authority over those unclean spirits in tongues!


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