Read revelation 2:14,15,20, from your Bible
Witchcraft operations in a church usually results in discord among brethren. They appear to people in various forms, using their images to terrify one another, until members start seeing each other as enemies. They promote animosity, infighting, hatred, bickering, malice, envy, jealousy and backstabbing. They work for the disunity and disharmony of the brethren. They sow seeds of misunderstanding and misrepresentation among the people to the extent that people will smile to each other externally but fight each other internally.
I know a church where the women were so jealous of the Pastor’s wife that they organized some people to pray for her death. They not only organized but they paid them. Later, one of them backed out and came to confess. At one time an associate Pastor in the church, who was rebuked for his wayward life, went to arrange hired killers to terminate the life of the Senior Pastor. The hired killer actually came to the Pastor’s house for surveillance and met a lady he once knew. While conversing, he revealed his intentions and the lady said he shouldn’t do that because the Pastor is her brother and he had not wronged the associate. That was what saved the day for the Pastor! How dangerous and ungodly a church can become when witchcraft is allowed to operate unhindered!
In most cases, those who practice witchcraft in a church are among the workers, leaders, deacons and prominent people. It is those who are inside that give room to those who are outside. They are very close to leadership and they cleverly manipulate things to their advantage. Many times, they are like Simon the sorcerer in Acts of the Apostles chapter 8; they profess to believe, but are not really free from the depth of sin and evil. Witchcraft always seek to operate in the church so as to destroy her testimony and weaken her. They want the church to fall and many people to perish, so they maliciously work to ruin churches.
Jesus is Lord.