HOW YOU CAN PARTAKE OF THE SPIRIT OF GRACE 3 – Ask for the Spirit of grace in prayer

After the first two steps previously discussed the next step you need to take for a release of the Spirit of Grace is to ask in prayer.

Read Zechariah 10:1 from your Bible

Often, we associate this scripture with only the anointing of the latter day. While this is so, there is a lot more to it.

Rain in this context, refers to the rain of God’s grace. The Lord is ready to give showers of rain to every green grass in the field, but this is at the mercy of your asking.

At salvation, you become a green grass in God’s field and God is, therefore, ready to pour down His Spirit of grace upon you, if only you will give Him a chance, by asking!

Read Matthew 7:7-8 and John 1:17 from your Bible

If you ask for the Spirit of grace, God will give it to you and you will be able to manifest grace more than ever before in your life.

Examine your life. Where is the flood of life threatening to destroy you? Is it in your business, home, concerning your children or parents?

As you acknowledge, appreciate, and constantly tap into the grace of God, the Spirit of grace causes you to overcome and it takes you to your destination. I admonish you, right where you are, lift up your voice to God and sincerely ask Him for an outpouring of the Spirit of grace upon your life.

Pray this prayer in your understanding as well as in tongues, from the depth of your heart!

Oh, sweet Spirit of grace, I welcome you afresh today into the life of this dear reader right now!

With the Spirit of grace actively now at work in your life, I welcome you to an extraordinary life of unlimited breakthroughs!


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.

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