The Bible makes it clear that there are only two types of ministers in the scriptures; these are those that minister life, and those that minister death. Therefore, there can only be two kinds of ministries; the ministry of life and the ministry of death.
The ministry of death can also be rightly called the ministry of destruction. This is why all careful readers of the Bible will discover, that there is so much violence in the Bible, beginning from the first page.
Why is the Bible violent?
It is a book of life, and a spiritual war manual. The truth is certain that when there is no war, there cannot be peace. Jesus fought a terrible war all the way to redeem us, and that war was so serious that when He was there on the cross, all the angels ran away, even the father turned His back, and He cried out, “My Father, My Father why has thou forsaken Me?”. He was in the midst of serious warfare. So, for us to be redeemed, terrible wars had to be fought.
Sometimes, when there is no war, there cannot be peace. When you throw two people into the boxing ring and boxer ‘A’ knocks out boxer ‘B’ in the very first round, when next you invite boxer ‘B’ to fight with boxer ‘A’, he will think twice.
These people called the ministers of destruction are so violent and senseless, and are ready to use any method to destroy their victims. Therefore, for a minister of life to stop the minister of destruction, there is no simple method to use. He too has to employ violence.
If somebody is chasing another person with a cutlass and the person being chased wants to stop the pursuer, there is no gentle way of doing this. He too has to be violent. This is why the minister of life must also learn how to destroy.
1 John 3:8 tells us that,
He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the son of God was made manifest, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
So, Jesus is a destroyer, but what He destroys is the works of the devil. Praise the Lord! However, satanic ministers minister destruction.
In my next write up, I will be exposing ‘Satanic Ministers’.
Jesus is Lord