Read Proverbs 22:29 from your Bible

You need diligence to prosper. To be diligent means to be hardworking; not being mentally and physically lazy. It is widely accepted that “there is no food for a lazy person.” To achieve anything, you must work hard physically and mentally. Diligence talks about mental and physical exertion. Nobody prospers being lazy. Even if it is given to them on a platter, they will mismanage it.

You need to spend time to think on how to get things done. Smart thinking, productive thinking and creative thinking are all attributes of diligence. Then you must add physical efforts to mental effort in order to create a balance that leads to breakthrough. That is diligence. If you don’t want to lay your hands on anything, don’t ever think of prosperity; because it is the works of your hands that God will bless (Psalms 1:3). Hence, you must find something to lay your hands on. Some people have received so much blessings that their lives are loaded with blessings and looking for a way of expression. As long as they are not physically and mentally engaged (active), the blessing cannot manifest.

You must find something to do, and then be diligent in doing it. You must also add excellence to that thing before you can become prosperous. As a child of God, you must be ready to “replenish the earth.” That is one of our creation mandates from God. Pray and ask God to direct your heart to something. Engage yourself! Contribute to nation building. Start small and as God blesses you, you must move to another level. God does not raise lazy children. He, Himself, is not lazy. And whatever you do, do it honestly, faithfully and diligently.

I pray that as you put these principles to practice, you will defeat poverty in Jesus’ name.


  1. Ask that God will give you an understanding heart to apply this truth.
  2. Ask God to inspire you; to give you wealth creation ideas.
  3. Ask for grace to prosper.
  4. Command every curse to break by fire in Jesus’ name.



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