To overcome the battles of life, we do not only need spiritual empowerment but also mental empowerment, which is the empowerment of the mind to live victoriously. Without mental empowerment, even with spiritual power, victory may only be an illusion.
One of the major arenas where the battles of life are fought, won and lost, is the arena of the mind. If you fail in your mind, it will be almost impossible to win in life. It becomes imperative therefore to add mental empowerment to spiritual empowerment so as to live victoriously. Poverty is both a spiritual and mental phenomena. One cannot be prosperous until his/her mind is first prosperous. A poor person is not that person who lacks cash, but that person who is
bankrupt of ideas. One may be given a grant to set up a business, but without proper mental positioning for success; it is likely he/she will still end up broke and unsuccessful. This means that everyone must first become mentally prosperous before it translates to other areas of life.
Mental empowerment is mental repositioning; and it is developed consciously and deliberately, not by chance. The mind has to be empowered and repositioned with quality information so as to succeed.
When we acquire secular education, what we do is develop the mind so as to become an expert in a chosen field or profession. If one is not well informed in any given area, success in that area will be hard to attain.
Remember, life itself is a battle: And part of what God desires for us is for our minds be empowered for success and victory. There are those who think poverty. They abhor, reject or repel teachings that have to do with “prosperity.” They want to be prosperous but condemn pastors who preach prosperity. If you have a mind of unbelief, poverty, and carnality, you will struggle long before you succeed. Your mind must grasp and accept the “supernatural” before you can become successful. God is supernatural. It takes a supernatural mind to grasp the supernatural dimension to which God is calling us.
God still performs miracles, signs and wonders. He still prospers people. Yet, if you don’t have a supernatural mindset, it will be difficult for you to believe God for breakthrough, miracles and healing. You need an excellent mind (a mind that is full of positive ideas) to live an excellent life.
Read Proverbs 23:7 from your Bible
“Heart” in the above scripture, refers to the “mind.” You are the product of your thoughts. What do you think? Success? Victory? Progress? Prosperity? Or is it failure and poverty?
God will not and cannot work with you if your mind is not “sound”
Read 2 Timothy 1:7 from your Bible
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