Prayer is a potent force in the hand of the believer, just as a firearm or missile is to military personnel. It is God’s ordained tool for your empowerment and dominion on the earth.
Prayer is communication between man and God, and communication is fundamental to human existence. It involves interaction; talking and receiving responses or feedback. It is the livewire to any meaningful relationship, especially with God. In fact, one vital quality of any good and healthy relationship is effective communication.
Just as every strong relationship thrives on effective and regular communication, your relationship with God will only be strengthened through regular and effective prayers. You don’t only pray when you need God to intervene in your affairs, you pray to maintain fellowship with Him. Prayer is not optional for believers because it is our covenant responsibility. That is why God’s Word admonishes that we pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
In prayer, we communicate our thoughts, feelings, needs and desires to God. Just as your communication with your ‘lover’ has no timetable, your communication with God shouldn’t be time-bound. You can pray anytime and anywhere. The mode and style of communication (prayer) may differ, but the act is the same. Prayer is an avenue that God has provided for you to make known the deepest feelings of your heart.
Your prayer life enhances your relationship with God, just as communication strengthens the human relationship. You shouldn’t just pray for things or for your needs to be met; pray for fellowship and continuous bonding with God. Prayer is a vital part of our relationship with God, and a healthy prayer life leads to a vibrant walk with Christ.
Jesus is Lord.