LUKE 10:19, MATTHEW 18:18, PHILIPPIANS 2:9-10, MARK 16:17.
Don’t spend less than 3 minutes on each prayer point at any prayer session and you should pray at least 2 times a day minimum.
Pray like this.
- Enough is enough! You generational, marital, financial and health problems transferred into my life, in the name of Jesus, I destroy your power and command you to go now.
- I refuse to be a negative beneficiary of strange happenings in my family in the name of Jesus. You family ancestral connections, I disconnect from you today by fire!
- In the name of Jesus, you spirits of polygamy, divorce, remarriage and poverty assigned to me from my family, I bind and terminate your assignment.
- Witchcraft spirit transferred through the bloodline into my life, I bind and cast you out in the name of Jesus.
- Every water spirit transferred through the bloodline/family, I bind and command you to go in the name of Jesus.
- In the name of Jesus, you wicked spirits of anger, hatred, barrenness and infirmity transferred to me from my parents, I bind and transfer you out now!
- Every evil character trait of my parents manifesting in my life, I destroy your root in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, I refuse to repeat the negative history of my parents. The powers in charge of negative history, leave me now!
- I refuse to be a victim of reincarnation. You familiar spirit, I bind and destroy your hold in my life.
- In the name of Jesus, I close every door opened into my life through demon-inspired books, magazines and tapes. I expel you, wicked spirits from my life.
- Negative influences of the spirits of lust, immorality, violence, occult through demonic films and programmes, I destroy all of you right now in the name of Jesus.
- In the name of Jesus, I bind and cast out wicked spirits transferred into my life by friends.
- You soul-tie between wicked friends and me, I break you by fire in Jesus name!
- In the name of Jesus, I cancel every initiation in my life by agents of darkness through association.
- Evil and strange friends sponsored to ruin my life by wicked powers, I destroy and separate from you in Jesus’ name.
- Blood covenants established through sexual relationships, I break you now in Jesus’ name.
- Wicked and strange powers passed into me through sex at the point of orgasm, I break and transfer you out through the openings of my body in Jesus’ name.
- Dangerous initiations into witchcraft, water spirit and the occult through sexual relationship, I cancel you with the blood of Jesus.
- All demonic deposits in my sexual organ and body, in Jesus name, catch fire and come out!
- You powers present in my life as a result of strange hands laid on my mother’s womb by demonic practitioners while I was in the womb, I bind you, and in the name of Jesus, come out of me!
- Wicked manifestations in my marriage and entire life as a result of hands laid on me by negative persons and false prophets, in Jesus’ name, I destroy you all.
- Every spirits transferred into my life through food and drinks used for sacrifices, in the name of Jesus, I neutralize your potency and command you to come out of me now.
- You spirit behind negative hands laid on me in the past, I terminate your assignments and I cast you out of my life.
- Every spirit operating through dedicated objects in my possession, I terminate your assignment now. In the name of Jesus, come out of my life!
- I destroy every contamination in my life through water spirits, religious spirits, occult spirits, through holy water, oil, perfumes, candles, etc. In the name of Jesus, I bind you and command you to get out of me.
Thank God for the victory.
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