i. Invisible spiritual rope: There are men and women who are having some kinds of invisible spiritual ropes in their neck. Such people are always limited by the size of the rope. Some students burn the midnight oil, without knowing that they have been programmed spiritually into third class and positions of failure.

ii. Periodic sickness: Periodic sickness is also programmed into the life of some people.

iii. Irrational behaviour: Irrational behaviour is also programmed into the lives of some people. There are husbands who suddenly descend on their wives and beat them up to a state of coma. The quarrel is settled only for the same couple to experience a reoccurrence of exactly the same incident.

iv. Unreasonable sexual urge: This has also been programmed into the lives of the victims. It has destroyed many people.

v. Wishing oneself dead: A lot of people pray for death or nurse the thought of committing suicide without knowing that such things have been programmed into their lives in the spiritual realm. Such people suddenly get tired of living.

vi. Unexplainable losses: Some mysterious losses are programmed into the lives of people. Money, contracts and business opportunities which are meant to come to such people are diverted away mysteriously. That kind of misfortune is an evidence of some wicked satanic programming.

vii. Deep depression: Some people experience deep depression in their lives. They suddenly get moody; depressed and sad. A lot of people are unhappy without being able to trace the reason behind their sadness. Such instances are evidences of wicked programming.

viii. Witchcraft marks on the body: Some people discover witchcraft marks on their body without seeing anyone around them. Imagine someone who sleeps without any mark on her body before going to bed but wakes up in the morning to discover several marks on her body. Such marks are evidences of demonic programming.

ix. Abnormal voices: There are people who hear strange voices without seeing any living soul around them.

Something happened during a brother’s wedding. He collapsed suddenly while marching towards the vestry to sign the marriage register. Members of the prayer warrior group prayed for him until he came back to life. What he said when he revived baffled all those who were around him. He said he heard someone calling his name. That was how he became unconscious. Who called his name? Of course, that was an evidence of wicked satanic programming.

x. Broken home: Some men abandon their wives and go ahead to marry a woman who has already had three husbands with children in the three places. That kind of action did not just happen, it was programmed. Such a man would only experience freedom when those who are concerned decree that the heavenlies should release him. Many people have led multitudes into problems by speaking to the power of the night and of the day.

In my next write-up, I Will be revealing How to Deal with Demonic Programming.


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.

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