Do you want to enjoy more grace? One major stirring instrument that you cannot do without is humility; humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. There is no shortcut to activating the grace of God outside the instrument of humility.

Read 1 Peter 5:5 from your Bible

In other words, humility is a garment. It is a spiritual garment and everyone needs to be clothed with this garment of humility, in order to enjoy the grace of God.

Consider this for a moment: in the natural, no man in his right senses goes around naked, without clothing. So also and even much more it is in the spiritual. It will amount to spiritual insanity to want to live and have a life of fulfilment without the garment of humility. Just as you consciously put on your physical clothes, that is how you have to consciously clothe yourself with the spiritual garment of humility.

When God is about to release His grace on anyone, He looks at the inner clothing of such an individual, whether it is the clothing of humility or that of pride. At every point in time, you are either putting on the clothing of pride or that of humility.

Maybe the reason you have not enjoyed much of the grace of God is because you are putting on the wrong garment of pride. Remove it and consciously clothe yourself with the garment of humility, and great grace shall be upon you.

Humility is essentially a matter of the heart, which eventually finds expression in your thoughts, words and actions. Unlike physical clothes such as skirts, blouses, shirts and trousers, the garment of humility is worn in the heart.

For instance, pride, which is the opposite of humility, is a subtle killer. It is a spiritual cancer that destroys man’s destiny and eats him up right from the inside, before it begins to manifest on the outside. To such, give no place.

With these stirring instruments actively engaged, there shall be no limit to the manifestation of the grace of God at work in your life!


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.

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