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Demonic snakes and crocodile are powers that swallow the destinies and riches of many. Some people see snakes in their dream. They are either playing with them or are being hunted by them.

Other symbols include fish, snail, crocodile, tortoise, frog, etc.

Some people see themselves wearing waist beads or leg chains. These may also be symbols of marine affiliation. You need deliverance.

But, first, give your life to JESUS as your Lord and Savior and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God so you maybe able to stand against the wiles of marine attacks – Ephesians 6:10-11.

To be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might is to be strong in the word of God and be filled with the Holy Spirit always praying in the spirit. And to put on the whole armour is to wear the various aspects of the armour and not just one armour.

If you have been having dreams similar to the above, take the prayer points below with fasting from 12 midnight to 6 pm for 3 days.

Don’t spend less than 5 minutes on each prayer point at any prayer session and you should pray atleast 3 times a day minimum.

Pray like this.

  1. Every marine covenant that is flowing down from my ancestors, down my parents and that is holding me, my destiny, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus – Isaiah 49:24-26, Col. 2:14
  2. Every covenant from the marine world that is holding me, in whatever way, it came, through which battle is raging my life, by the covenant blood of Jesus, be nullified – Col. 1:13-14, 2:14-15.
  3. Any agreement entered into by anyone on my behalf to keep me in bondage and to cage my future, is nullified by the blood of Jesus – Col. 2:14.

At the very end of the teaching on this subject, I will be sharing full deliverance prayers that will liberate you from marine bondage.

