SYMPTOM OF WITCHCRAFT BONDAGE 1 - Attack through female menstruation

SYMPTOM OF WITCHCRAFT BONDAGE 1 – Attack Through Female Menstruation

Attack through female menstruation – Any lady who is careless with her period maybe in serious trouble. Remember that life is in the blood and access to your menstrual blood by the enemy can cause you alot of problem.

The strategy of some evil people is to steal a woman’s menstrual pad or to find out the dates of her menstrual period.

Then the spirit of the owner of the menstrual pad is invited at night and the menstrual pad is shown to her to confirm ownership. Thereafter, the menstruation becomes irregular and the sister may start putting on some demonic weight.

For total recognisable of menstruation, it is required that someone brings sand on which the sister has urinated. The first recognisable sign is intense stomach-ache during menstruation or at irregular periods. May the good Lord deliver us from those watching us while we are unconscious of it.

When you always dream of seeing your menstruation in the dream before you see it in the physical, and or, experiencing painful menstruation with heavy flow. It means your menstrual cycle is under witchcraft manipulation and bondage, your glory, virtue and life is under witchcraft manipulation.

How do you handle this?

First, give your life to JESUS as your Lord and Savior and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues (Romans 10:9, Acts 1:8).

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God so you maybe able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-11)

This kind does not go except by prayer and fasting.



MICAH 5:12, COLOSSIANS 1:13, 2:14, GALATIANS 3:13, 2 TIMOTHY 4:18, ISAIAH 49:24-26, 10:27

Don’t spend less than 5 minutes on each prayer point at any prayer session and you should pray atleast 3 times a day minimum.

Pray like this

  1. Every witchcraft covenant over my life that is causing me to see my menses in the dream I break it by the covenant blood of Jesus – Col. 2:14
  2. You witchcraft power behind the covenant I terminate your assignment and I cast you out of my life in Jesus name – Mark 16:17
  3. Every witchcraft altar of sacrifice and ritual raised against me that is causing me to see my menses in the dream be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus – Deut. 7:5
  4. Every witchcraft power behind the altar I terminate your assignment and I cast you out of my life in Jesus name – Mark 16:17
  5. Every witchcraft bondage and yoke upon my life that is causing me to see my menses in the dream be destroyed in the name of Jesus – Isaiah 10:27
  6. Every witchcraft stronghold over my life that is causing me to menstruate in the dream be destroyed by the blood of Jesus – Revelation 12:11
  7. Every witchcraft arrow operating in my life that is causing me to see my menses in the dream I reverse it in the name of Jesus – Matt. 18:18
  8. Every witchcraft manipulation of my menstrual cycle be destroyed in the name of Jesus – Matt. 18:18
  9. Every witchcraft power/agent manipulating my menstrual cycle be arrested in the name of Jesus – Luke 10:19
  10. Every witchcraft power/agent siphoning my virtue, glory and life be arrested in the name of Jesus – Luke 10:18
  11. Every witchcraft attack against me through my menstrual pad that is causing me to see my menses in the dream I reverse it in the name of Jesus – Matt. 18:18
  12. Wherever my menstrual pad is being hidden by the enemy I withdraw it in the name of Jesus – Matt. 18:18
  13. You strongman of witchcraft in charge of my situation be arrested in the name of Jesus – Luke 10:19
  14. Pray in tongues for atleast 5 minutes if you have the gift of speaking in tongues.

Thank Jesus for the victory

Be guided by the Holy Spirit always and be sensitive.


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