Numerous experiences have shown that some physical infirmities cannot be cured in the hospitals through drug therapy. It is common knowledge that hospitals have sometimes rejected some patients and also dismissed many cases as chronic.

Chronic diseases are those that have lingered on in a patient and have also defied usual medical treatments. This is because most of these sicknesses require spiritual solutions other than the physical means of treatment or drug therapy. Doctors treat physical causes and cure diseases, but they neglect the spiritual aspects which might be the root cause of such infirmities. Jesus healed many sick people by casting out the demons that caused the sickness (Mark 8:1-27; Luke. 13:11).

The following experiences will help us to identify a sickness with demonic origin or influence.

When a sickness has defied all forms of medical therapy due to inability of the doctors to diagnose the sickness, then one could suspect some demonic influences.

When a sickness starts at a particular time of the day and ends some hours later, or at a particular month of the year.

When a sickness starts shortly after one has had a particular dream, which keeps on re-occurring after similar experiences.

When one falls sick due to the place visited, e.g. market, river, church, etc.

There are other symptoms that should be carefully examined in order to find out their root causes, especially when medical science seem not to be of any help.

These include:-
Sleepless nights (insomnia), restlessness, scratching unnaturally, fidgeting, frothing in the mouth, excessive falling or pulling of hair, excessive sweating, seizures, panting, delirium, painful menstrual period, unnatural feeling of heat and movement of strange things in various parts of the body, fits, dizziness, constant tendency to fall down, etc.

Loss of muscle co-ordination, loss of hearing and of speech are associated with the spirit of deaf and dumb. (Mark. 9:23)

Some types of obesity or overweight, unaccountable leanness or thinness in spite of heaving eating, also fall under demonic influences.

For example, Brother B has been a peptic ulcer patient for years. He had spent so much of his resources with little or no result. When he was ministered to, I discovered that it was not ulcer, but a witch had deposited something on the inside of him. He was set free and that was the end of the ulcer.

The Good News!

The good news is that Jesus has paid for your freedom from sickness already – all you need is to receive your healing by faith by appropriating it.

Read Isaiah 53:5 and Matthew 8:17 from your Bible.



ISAIAH 53:5, MATTHEW 8:17, JEREMIAH 30:17, ISAIAH 10:27.

Don’t spend less than 5 minutes on each prayer point at any prayer session and you should pray atleast 3 times a day minimum.

Pray like this.

  1. Every curse of affliction of sickness in my life I break it in the name of Jesus – Gal. 3:13
  2. You spirit of sickness associated with the curse I cast you out of my life in Jesus name – Mark 16:17
  3. In the name of Jesus I reverse the curse of affliction of sickness in my life – Gal. 3:13
  4. Every bondage and yoke of sickness upon my life be destroyed in the name of Jesus – Isaiah 10:27
  5. Every altar of affliction of sickness raised against me be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus – Deut. 7:5
  6. Every demon of sickness behind the altar I terminate your assignment and I cast you out of my life in Jesus name – Mark 16:17
  7. Every stronghold of sickness in my life be destroyed by the blood of Jesus – Rev. 12:11
  8. Every arrow of affliction of sickness operating in my life I reverse it in the name of Jesus – Nahum 1:9
  9. You strongman of affliction be arrested by the blood of Jesus – Luke 10:19.

But, first, give your life to JESUS as your Lord and Savior and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

In my next write-up, I will be discussing demonic influences behind, Constant Sexual Dreams.


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