Read Ecclesiastes 10:18 from your Bible

In conclusion it is imperative to note that a man can either grow in grace as seen in 2 Peter 3:18 or fall from grace, as seen in Galatians 5:4.

The individual concerned is the determinant of whether he or she is going to grow in grace or fall from it.

How do you grow in grace? You grow in grace by activating God’s grace in your life.

How do you fall from grace? You fall from grace by not stirring up the grace that is already bestowed upon you; for … “through idleness a building decays” (Ecclesiastes 10:18 NIV).

However, the fastest way to fall from grace is through pride. That is why James 4:6 says: “God resisteth the proud…”

I pray that God will not resist you. The Bible in Romans 8:31 says: “…if God be for us, who can be against us?”

If God resists or is against you, anything and everyone will be against you. Give no place to pride; it is a destroyer. Refuse to fall from grace but rather grow in it. Do not waste God’s investment in your life. His grace has been made readily available, since the day you accepted Him as your Lord and Saviour.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you grow in and stir up the grace of God on your life.

Life is a product of personal responsibility. No one can grow or stir up the grace of God for you. You owe yourself the responsibility to ensure your personal growth.

However, grace is not a cover for rebellion and wilful disobedience! Grace does not allow the believer to do whatever he or she wants, such as sinning against God, others and his or her conscience. Grace is not given so that men can indulge in sin, without serious consequences.

Read Romans 6:1-2 from your Bible

To continue in wilful sin and rebellion against God, yet consider yourself secured and saved by grace is actually … turning the grace of God into lewdness according to Jude 1:4

Grace is not divine tolerance of sin, or licence to keep sinning.

Remember, without doing the will of God, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Read Matthew 7:21 from your Bible

However, when you confess your sins, God cleanses and forgives you and when you are fully committed to Christ, grace covers your failings.

Grace is a spiritual force that pardons us and at the same time empowers us to live right.

Like Apostle Paul, my sincere prayer is that: “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” (2 Thessalonians 3:18)


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