You are gambling with your destiny when you are consulting local destiny diverters.
There was a man who complained that they often promote others above him, so he went to consult a prophet and the prophet gave him sponge and soap to bath with instruction to throw the remaining sponge and soap into the sea, while his eyes remained closed. He told him that he should never look back or else the problem would continue.
He went there as instructed, threw the thing into the sea, made a round about turn and went back home. But immediately he threw the sponge, he found himself in the midst of a witchcraft meeting. The sponge had been used to wash away all that he had.
Soap and sponge prayers are not New Testament prayers. The New Testament prophet is a little different from the old testament prophet, in fact, prophetic consultation concerning revelation in the New Testament is unscriptural, it rather leads to error. In the old testament, the Holy Spirit used to descend on the prophets occasionally. But in the New Testament, everybody has access to that same Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit now abandons you to go and talk to others about you without your knowledge, then you are in trouble. If you fail to look inwards, you won’t solve any problem.
There is no guide as comparable to the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Immediately you break the New Testament injunction and you go for that kind of consultation, the enemy will pollute it and divert the destiny.
IG, X, Threads: Pstnath