A cord is a strong thick string or rope used in binding or restriction. In the context of this study, a cord is that invisible rope that ties a person or a group of people to their ancestors or their evil activities. We have explained earlier that ancestral kingdom has to do with family background or family tree. It connotes a particular people bound (i.e. tied) to a common course. Each time anyone tries to go beyond the limit of what the cord (ancestor) would permit, it would pull him/her back. May be the person is about to have breakthrough, enter into his promise land, or experience something good, this cord will manifest.

Note that satan and all his subordinate kingdoms don’t want man, especially Christians, to enjoy any good.

This cord can manifest in form of limitation or hindrance. Some persons never seem to show up whenever they are needed for good. They may have a good promise but will not be available at the required time until the promise is given out to another person.

As we look into the scripture, we will see the lives of different people that have been held back by invisible cords, especially from ancestral kingdom. We must locate the kind of cord that operates in our families.

The cord will not deal with itself. The mere fact that you are born again will not automatically remove the cord. You must recognize it, and break it by renunciation. Just as salvation is not complete until there is confession (Romans 10:9, 10), deliverance must be preceded by verbal pronunciation.

There are some persons in the Bible who failed to address this issue. It eventually became a stigma to their destiny fulfilment.

We shall be discussing these persons in subsequent write ups.

Nevertheless pray like this:

  1. Every ancestral cord of limitation I cut you off in the name of Jesus – Col. 2:14
  2. Every ancestral cord of hindrance be loosed in the name of Jesus – Matt. 18:18


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