Read Mark 16:20 from your Bible

When you become a carrier of the gospel, a seal of God is placed upon your life. His presence is compelled to follow you, and if God be for you, who can be against you?

Read Matthew 28:18-20 from your Bible

Here we see the blessing that comes with sharing the gospel.

Read Romans 8:31 from your Bible

God is with the preacher of the gospel always.

What happens when God is with you?

Obstacles give way to miracles.

Read Psalms 114 from your Bible

When God is with you, obstacles give way to you. You tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

If you are not a gospel bearer, you are running a risk. One great thing sharing the gospel does for you is that it guarantees God’s presence. Once you become a gospel bearer, you become a God-carrier.

You can’t enjoy the fullness of God’s blessings without carrying the gospel. God’s presence is more than enough to keep you afloat. Not just His presence, but His presence working with signs following.

Every time you speak God’s Word, He’s on the spot to watch over it and see that signs follow.

Friends, it’s time to go about fully armed. Bearing the gospel is spiritual armoury.

You are either gospelling or gossiping.

God’s presence is not automatic. It only follows those who carry the gospel.

The time has come for you to desire an encounter with God. Tell yourself you will never waste any opportunity that comes your way to preach the gospel again. Such opportunities should make you glad.

It is a great privilege, and a manifestation of God’s wisdom, to preach the gospel.

Remember that in the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures for evermore.

Read Psalm 16:11 from your Bible

The time has come for all your pains to give way to pleasures, your sorrows to give way to fullness of joy. All these will come your way as you carry the gospel to a dying world.

Preaching the gospel guarantees God’s presence anytime, any day!

Israel’s triumph was a proof of God’s presence. They saw signs in Egypt, but to cross over the Red Sea, they needed His presence. Once the sea saw the presence of God with them, it fled!

Read Psalm 114:3 from your Bible

From now on, as you carry His presence, the earth will tremble before you, and no force in hell will be able to stop your destiny from being fulfilled!


IG, X, Threads: Pst Nath

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