THE DAY OF HIS POWER 10 – The Power Of The Blood

The blood of Jesus represents our stronghold in the covenant. When your understanding of the blood becomes deep, you become unstoppable and unmolestable.

Read Zechariah 9:9-13 from your Bible

The blood of the covenant is the sword of a mighty man. When you take cover in the blood, because the life of the flesh is in the blood, the Lord shall be seen over you.

Read Zechariah 9:14-15 from your Bible

The blood of the covenant exempts you from molestations, shame and reproach.

There is something in the blood! It wraps you up with power!

Read Zechariah 9:15-17 from your Bible

This is the powerful mystery behind the blood.

The blood is not a theological assertion, nor is it a church doctrine. It is the covenant stronghold of the saints.

The devil’s last card is death. And death can’t cross the bloodline!

Friends, it’s time to come under the canopy of the blood.

Every occultic sect has blood connections. But whatever is from above is above all. No man born of a woman can be compared to Christ in any form.

If there is any blood covenant that initiates people into any occultic sect, there is none that can be compared to the one that connects us to heaven.

As long as you are under this blood cover, you remain inpenetrable and inaccessible, because the God of the blood will be seen over you, and His arrows shall go forth as lightning on your behalf.

Theologians tell us that the blood is just to cleanse our sins. But I can see someone riding on a colt in the scriptures, and the blood He shed is referred to as the blood of our covenant! I can also see the efficacy of this blood. It’s time to walk in it!

See your covering and dignity in it, for you are wrapped up in the blood of Jesus.

When the blood came, it delivered to men power, wisdom, strength, honour, riches, glory and blessings.

Read Rev 5:9-12 from your Bible

Jesus came to take all power from the devil and give back to us. All this represents dominion.

Shame has come to an end in your life! Whatever is contrary to honour, glory, wisdom, or strength, has ended, in Jesus name!

Triumph is impossible without the blood. Who is he that overcometh the world? The one that will put witches to shame and humiliate the occult.

It is he that will believe that Jesus is the Son of God-the One that made the Word and his blood available to you.

Your faith in the Word and in the blood, makes you an overcomer that cannot be stopped.

From now on, begin to use this blood for triumph in the conflicts of life.

In heavenly places, the blood is a missile. It will always hit the target. Once it is invoked in faith, “The blood of Jesus!”, by any heavenly citizen, it just must work. This is God’s plan for heavenly citizens. Satan is not permitted to prevail in this realm (Rev 12:8). So by destiny, all heavenly citizens are more than conquerors!


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