THE DAY OF HIS POWER 4 – Power For Manifestation

Read Romans 8:19,21 from your Bible

The manifestation of the Spirit is our only authentic identity. Jesus said in Mark 16:17:

“These signs shall follow them that believe…”

Friends, it’s time to sit up like power-hungry people! This is your finest hour to tap unto the things that make things happen!

Your destiny cannot be secure without the hand of God upon it.

Read Acts 10:38 from your Bible

Your future is not certain without God’s power at work in you.

When Moses went in his own might to fight for Israel, he became a fugitive (Ex. 2:11-15). Every mission not backed-up by power ends up in frustration. It is only power that can make you enter into the realm of manifestation.

Power pass power!

Jesus said in Luke 10:19 that the power He is giving you is above every other power that could be called power.

Friends, this power is real! It works!

Occultic forces will lose their market! When the sons of God enter their true realm, the world of darkness will become so cheap to handle.

The whole of creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.

The hour has come for the sons of men to be converted from serving idols to serving the living God, as the sons of God take their positions in the world of the spirit.

From this time forth, everywhere you find yourself, you will be identified with power from on high! Your manifestation will be undeniable!


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath

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