THE DAY OF HIS POWER 6 – The Power Of The New Birth

Power is only available to those who are born of God. Your power connection is traceable to the new birth.

Read John 1:12 from your Bible

Until you receive Jesus as the Son of God, you don’t have access to the power of God.

New birth is an initiation into the realm of power. Just as people are initiated into a cult, the new birth initiates you into another world-the world of power.

New birth is a spiritual initiation into the realm of covenant power!

The power is there! But until you discover it, you can’t benefit from it.

Christ is the wisdom and power of God (1 Cor. 1:24). If Christ dwells in you, then the power of God is resident on your inside.

Once you are saved, you become a power-loaded personality!

Friends, something is inside you! May you see it today!

It’s time to see that you are seated far above, not near below. This is what Christianity is all about.

Salvation in Christ is your only way out of destruction.

It is time to understand that you must operate from the heavenly places. Satan is not permitted to prevail in this realm. So, by destiny, all heavenly citizens are more than conquerors !

Dwelling anywhere in the earthly places is dangerous.

Read Revelation 12:12 from your Bible

Friends, you can’t afford to be ignorant anymore! You can’t afford to be lazy, this is the hour of power!


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath

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