THE DAY OF HIS POWER 7 - The Power Of The Word

THE DAY OF HIS POWER 7 – The Power Of The Word

Read John 6:63 from your Bible

The Word of God is the authentic source of power.

The Spirit here represents power. There is one faith, one God, one baptism and one Spirit. When the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jesus, power came upon him (Luke 4:18).

God’s Word is His Spirit in written form, and when it is absorbed into your spirit, you encounter power.

Psalm 107:20 tells us:

“He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.”

There is enough power in the Word to heal.

Also read Luke 5:17 from your Bible

Gods power is present in His Word. God’s Word is the carrier of His power.

Read Jeremiah 23:29 from your Bible

God’s Word is a hammer that will break every hardship in your life into pieces.

A very good illustration of the power in the Word is seen in John 1:1:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

If the Word was God, it therefore goes without saying that the Word is omnipotent, as God is All-powerful, and undefeatable!

The Word then became light, the light shone in darkness and darkness could not handle it!

Read what Paul boldly declared in Romans 1:16 from your Bible

The gospel carries power!

The Word of God is the Holy Spirit in written form.

Read 1 John 5:7 from your Bible

When you see the Word, you see the Holy Spirit, because they are one. Jesus said, “Whosoever has seen me has seen the Father (John 8:19).

When you see the Word, you’re beholding the Holy Spirit, in written form. All you need do is to open your heart for the Comforter to come in. When He comes in, He turns you on.

The time has come for your value of the Word to change.


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath

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