THE DAY OF HIS POWER 8 – The Power Of Heartfelt Prayer

Read Psalm 63:1-3 and Jeremiah 29:13 from your Bible

You need to seek for power with the whole of your heart. David said, “My soul thirsteth for thee and my flesh longeth for thee…” This is a desire that comes from within.

It takes a heart-communication with God for you to encounter power.

Ask the Lord to cause you to see the reality of His power as recorded in His Word. Tell Him you want to experience this power in your everyday life.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit cannot come your way without prayer. Rain will only respond to effectual fervent prayer. This is the only switch that will turn the rain on-the kind of prayer that comes from the heart, not the head.

We need the power of God today. It is the answer to all the harassments of the devil (Luke 10:19).

You don’t get power by wishing, you get it by praying. Not modern day prayer, but divinely approved ones. The kind you stay on at until the answer comes.

No one picks power by the roadside. Every one that operates in the realm of power today went all-out for it.

Friends, you have to make a move! If you want to taste the sweetness of Christianity, then go all out for the power!

The gift of power will not come until you stir it up. There’s a power deposit inside you, but it takes prayer to cause it to be released. Prayer is the stirring instrument that causes the release of power.

This is why Jesus always separated Himself a great while before dawn, to seek the face of His Father. He was busy stirring up the gift of God in Him.

Friends, until you begin to seek God’s face in prayer, you won’t have access to manifestation.

Until Zion travails, she will not bring forth (Isaiah 66:7-8). If you don’t want to travail, then you won’t have a child.

The degree to which the power of God manifests in your life determines the place where God will put you.

The power of God holds your destiny, go and stir it up!

You have the gift of power and you have a duty to stir it up. The only way to activate it is to get into prayers. Not once in a while prayers, but consistent prayers.

Friends, heaven is open! Let’s seek an entrance!

Prayer is the only way to have a genuine taste of the Christian faith. Tell yourself, “It’s time to wake up! A sleeping state is a dead state!”

When you begin to respond in prayer to every challenge of life, you’re on your way to the top.

Businessmen, you need more insight than paperwork, and this will come through the Holy Spirit, as you stand in prayers.

God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). Recceive the grace to stir up that gift right now!

Friends, there is a connection that reflects! Nothing works on its own, everything is made to work by some force. So, put the right force to work.


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath

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