THE DAY OF HIS POWER – The Benefits Of Preaching The Gospel 1

Signs By Your Hands

Read Mark 16:15-17 from your Bible

Once you are on the go, the name of Jesus will begin to produce results for you. Your duty is just to go out and preach, God is the Lord of the harvest.

Signs follow people, they don’t just drop on them. And until you are on the go, you won’t see them.

Signs and sigh are two words that may sound similar. As you go through your journey in life, you will either see signs or you will find yourself sighing.

The psalmist said, “Lift up your heads…” (Psalm 24:7). As long as you continue to look downwards, you remain on the floor.

It is time to look to the fields, for they are white and ready for harvest (John 4:35).

Everybody is looking for a way of escape. It is indeed a great privilege that you have already escaped. As you go forth, you become a miracle worker.

An average citizen in any country now has so many things to complain about. But for us, this is our greatest hour of opportunity.

Jesus didn’t experience the first miracle in His ministry while sitting in His house. No! He was on the move, and He manifested His glory in Cana of Galilee.

One of the greatest benefits you enjoy therefore, as you go around lifting people out of their problems, is the manifestation of signs by your hands.

Read Mark 16:20 from your Bible

When people tell you, “Nothing is working!” Tell them, “Things are working for me. They are working for God’s people. We have come to the Church age, and all the proud will pay for their pride. We are in dangerous days for the sinners, but glorious days for the saints.”

As you go about saying such things, you are simply provoking heaven to respond to you. God will step in and tell you, “Yes my son, you are talking right, and I am right here on the spot to confirm my Word.”

The Word of God is a consuming fire! Signs always follow those who preach the Word.

There is always a Word solution to every human crisis. From this moment on, may you become a solution—provider in Jesus name! Wherever you turn from now on, human beings will stop weeping!

It is time to go out and teach the world all things. Teach them the mystery of feet-washing, the mystery behind the anointing oil, the mystery of giving, and what the holy communion really stands for. Don’t be ashamed to teach them, they’re looking for answers to their questions.

If your life is void of signs and wonders, it is because you are not on the move, proclaiming the gospel.

We are in the day of God’s power. Even if you don’t seem to remember anything else, share your own testimonies. Let others know it is great to be saved.

The hour has come for you to manifest God’s glory. Until you make a move, signs will not begin to follow you. Signs are for men on motion. If you’re not on the move, you won’t see them. You can’t sit at a place and expect signs to follow you.

Start teaching, preaching and giving gospel solutions to their afflictions, and signs will just keep following you.

You won’t become a miracle worker until you become a gospel preacher.


IG, X, Threads: Pstnath.

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