There is an important aspect of spiritual warfare which has been neglected by the global company of prayer warriors.
Many prayer warriors have not been able to deal with powers that attack men and women in the night.
People have suffered terrible problems and received greatest attacks at night. A lot of people who were healthy, happy, sound and normal went to bed in the night only to wake up with mysterious sicknesses, mental disorder, business failure, death of a loved one, collapse of marital relationships and other mishaps.
Unless you learn how to deal with night raiders, you will continue to go through some problems in life. The believers who know how to target and deal with these wicked night raiders will recognise that the root or the foundation of the problem will begin to shake. Evil powers will no longer be able to hold sway over your life. Satan’s arrow will no longer penetrate your life. Long-standing problems will vanish and things that appear impossible in your life will become possible.
The average Christian loves peace. Most Christians pre-occupy themselves with seeking and pursuing peace. Nobody wants conflicts and hostilities. Most of us would like to go through a whole year without a single attack. That is a dream that will never come to pass. Whether we like it or not the devil has declared war against every one of us.
Every believer is in the battle field. To choose to fold your hands is to decide to become a casualty on the field. Even if you are not conscious of the fact that you are on the battle field, that does not exempt you from the warfare. Satan hates every one of us with perfect hatred. He is active every minute, fighting to destroy everyone who has relationship with God. You owe yourself the duty of fighting the battles of life and dealing with every attack that comes your way, either in the day or at night.
In my next write up, I will be discussing the activities of evil night raiders.
Jesus is Lord.